Saturday, January 19, 2008

Letter From Jason Baldwin regarding WM3 Innocence Project Inc.

Supporters and friends,

First, I would like to say that I support Damien's
statement on this issue 100 percent. has been
with us since virtually the beginning, working hard,
getting money together to pay for testing and
attorneys, and it is because of them that we now have
the attorneys and support we have now. We have never
turned away any help before and we have welcomed all
dontations from many different people from all walks
of life. However, when people attack Damien's wife and
the good people of the wm3 org, I do not find that
satisfactory, and it takes away from the true goal of
the fund... which is to get the truth out there about
what happened and to get the three of us free.
Therefore, I cannot accept donations from this group,
calling themselves"The WM3 Innocence Project", either.

I would like for everyone to stay focused on what the
main goal is, which is to get the truth out. When
people take away from that by putting forth
accusations and defamations of character, all it does
is take away from what we are trying to do.
Consequences from that can be very bad. I support,
and have always supported, Lorri Davis. I find her to
be an exceptional and honorable woman doing everything
she can to help the three of us. I also fully support
the defense fund that Lorri handles, and the people
behind It is unfortunate that the focus of
this situation has been shifted to something of this
nature when everyone should be focusing on getting the
truth out, and bringing innocent men home. I urge
supporters to not let this distract you from
continuing to help and contribute, and to trust that
positive things are being accomplished.

With gratitude, Always,

Jason Baldwin

Please make a donation to the Defense Fund today.

Please make checks payable to:

Damien Echols Defense Fund
PO Box 1216
Little Rock, AR 72203


hilary lawbaugh said...

The last 16 years these innocent boys have spent imprisioned for a crime they didnt commit is disgusting. The fact that one is sentenced to die is far beyond what ill words can decribe. Our justice system has failed these boys as it has many others who are also poor, socially outcast, mentally ill, or for any reason discriminated against. I am sickened by the thought of these boys sitting in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, like Damien Echols does, while I eat, work and play each day like its nothing. How could this happen in America? I am lost for any more words. My heart aches over this injustice.

Oemissions said...

so very very unfair
i only heard about this case tonite
will spread the word
so good to know that people care and seek justice